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Eternal Self

The RASHA Technology

The RASHA is a Co-creative tool that can work with you on the (Intron) DNA level given what you have available in your hologram and DNA template.

Hemi-syncing or harmonization of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is achieved within the first short moments of an RASHA Upgrade and is accumulative. When exposed to true scalar energy and Base-12 Resonant Frequencies, orderly thought enhances the self-healing process.

Benefits you may experience with The RASHA:

  • Stress Release and Relaxation.
  • Brain Optimization / Balancing.
  • Sha’ Ka’ Ra’ (Chakra) Harmonization.
  • Emotional Trauma Transmutation.
  • DNA Activation.
  • Transmute negative Habitual Patterns.
  • Consciousness-Coherence and Expansion.
  • Improved Focus.
  • Inner Happiness, Joy, and Peace.
  • Intuition Enhancement.
  • Amplification of your Energetic Oscillation.
  • Cellular and Energy Boost.
  • Amplification of SELF-healing Abilities.
  • And so much more than this.

Upgrades can be run as infrequently as once per month. However, upgrades at least once to twice per week can be experienced for quicker results.

In person you will experience The RASHA in three ways.

Firstly, organically via The RASHA itself.

Secondly, through the full spectrum quality headphones.

Thirdly, with the zero-point anti-gravity sound/acoustic chair that creates a synchronistic environment and promotes relaxation to the major muscle groups. The RASHA chair has 2 magnetic transducers and a subwoofer, permeating the cells directly through sound and vibration.

Each In-Person upgrade you will receive an ampule of living Quinton Marine Plasma, an organic pure composition of trace minerals and micronutrients in correct proportions so the body can utilize all the 78 naturally occurring elements. A most profound and efficient way to restore and balance the extracellular matrix (“reboot” of the operating system) is to orally administer Isotonic Marine Plasma. This can be taken before or after the upgrade as the RASHA will imprint the set frequencies into the Quinton Ampule.

For even better results, it is also recommended that one pre-condition oneself several days prior to a RASHA upgrade, it is all about preconditioning the composition of the extracellular matrix so the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) properly delivers the RASHA signals.


RASHA Offerings

Individual RASHA Upgrades – In-Person

Activate your self-healing ability with the RASHA.

Be immersed in tones your DNA recognizes.

Base12 Eternal Life Consciousness Coherence frequencies are the beginning to your expansion of all aspects of health, be it emotional, mental or physical.

Duration / Contribution:

60minutes $90NZ (total appt time 1.5hrs approx)

90minutes $120NZ (total appt time 2hrs approx)

Discount Packages available.

RASHA Group Upgrade – In-Person

We offer monthly group upgrades for those who want an even more powerful connection of ‘collective’ consciousness.

We host these upgrades at our place in the Waikato Region.

Followed by vegetarian/vegan nibbles, herbal teas, conversation, and hugs!

Duration / Contribution:

Maximum participants (6) – 90minutes $105 per person (allow 2-3 hours)

Join us on Telegram eternalself for dates or get in touch:

Offer Your Own RASHA Group Upgrade

A RASHA group experience in your space!
The power of this collective gift is not to be underestimated.
We come to you, set up and let the group be immersed in a soup of Base12 frequencies.
90 minutes of transforming Consciousness Coherence Eternal Life Frequencies.
Six spaces available. A minimum of 4 needed.
Host upgrade is free if all spaces are filled (including you, the host).
We are based in the Waikato and can also do outlying areas.
Perfect for Wellness Retreats / Meditation weekends / Learning events / Athletic Events.

RASHA & H2 Therapeutic Gas
– In-Person

Combine the RASHA experience with therapeutic H2 gas which will flood every cell of your body, while you are immersed in a ‘soup’ of radiant Base12 Eternal frequencies. Ultimate Upgrade!

Duration / Contirbution:

60minutes/H2 Gas $150

90minutes/H2 Gas $180.

Discount packages available.

Read here on the benefits of H2 Therapeutic Gas

Global RASHA … Virtually Anywhere

Embody the unique Base12 Eternal Consciousness Coherence Harmonics. By Activating your DNA via the RASHA Scalar Sound system, to unleash your innate ability to Rejuvenate – Repair – Reset.

From the comfort of your Space. Sit back with your fav headphones, a quiet space and let the symphony begin.

Self-healing has never more powerful!

Repattern this Universal energy field that enfolds you, (and every living thing) from limitations into deep cellular possibilities of Optimal Health, Consciousness expansion, Vitality, Love and Gratitude for living.

Note: The RASHA is not a medical device and no medical claims are expressed or implied. We do not diagnose, prescribe, or offer any medical treatment. All recipients are encouraged to do their own research and decisions for their health.

How to make the most of your RASHA experience

Creating a quiet, comfortable, undisturbed space is most recommended while experiencing a RASHA upgrade.

Some suggestions below are most helpful in further expediting a goal you may want to materialize.


Setting and encouraging intention while on The RASHA is a turn-key component in achieving optimal self-empowered healing benefits. As this is a meditative, consciousness coherence tool, we suggest that you call to mind what you are looking to alleviate/achieve, regardless of its terms (Mind, Body, or Spirit) before and during your upgrade.

Hemi-syncing or harmonization of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is achieved within the first short moments of The RASHA Upgrade. When exposed to true scalar energy and Base-12 resonant frequencies, orderly thought enhances the self-healing process


If holding an intention or a calm mind during your upgrade is difficult, an alternative is to mentally visualize. Paint a mental image of your desires and goals and feel-sensing the emotion gratitude as if it has already been achieved. This concept goes hand-in-hand with the role our thoughts play in our daily lives and how it affects what we are calling into our energy fields/hologram.


Now that we know water has memory, we encourage you to experiment with RASHA Imprinting. A product we have observed to integrate well with The RASHA is Quinton Marine Plasma Isotonic Ampules, among other products such as drinking water, essential oils, supplements, and crystals.

You can consume Quinton before and/or after your RASHA Upgrade(s).

  • Taking the ampule before the Upgrade prepares the body for the Upgrade. Ingesting it after assists in transmuting symptoms before the condition’s full release.
  • While you are experiencing your RASHA upgrade, you can place the Quinton ampule(s) near the RASHA, and the information will be held within that ampule. When the upgrade is over (unless immediately taken after the Upgrade), we suggest wrapping the ampule(s) in aluminium foil to protect it from negative environmental frequencies.