Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Upgrade?

An Upgrade via The RASHA creates a transcendental self-healing environment, where an individual is infused with restorative information, bathing in super-conductive, highly dense, consciousness-coherent energy fields.

How will I benefit from an Upgrade?

An upgrade will provide your mind and body with Based-12 frequencies that can access your DNA, create orderly thought patterns, and begin to re-order your morphogenetic field, allowing self-healing to occur.

Calmness, Joy, Peace is not uncommon when true energetic fields are aligned and coherent with the body.

This is not to say that some discomfort can and does sometimes affect one’s ‘field’ experience.

See below!

Will I experience any discomfort after an upgrade?

The RASHA is powerful tool that communicates directly with the DNA. It provides for the ability to alleviate distortions within your DNA and energetic hologram (all aspects of your hologram = mental, emotional, physical, and energetic). This said, a “Herxheimer Reaction” healing crisis or detox can occur. We refer to this as “Integration Effects.”

As you continue to transmute emotional and energetic traumas from your fields and activate your DNA with the RASHA, you can anticipate some temporary discomfort as your physical body adjusts.

This is a good sign!

These “effects” can include but are not limited to, fatigue, uprise of emotions, headache, worsening of specific “effects,” cold and flu type symptoms, un-usual/new dream (Sahdi) states, etc.

As your body processes the information it is receiving via frequency, the physical cells release toxins/distortions in order to allow the body to continue its self-healing journey. With continued RASHA upgrades and hydration, these symptoms should subside within 1-2 weeks, depending on individual circumstances.

Please advise if you are experiencing these effects and we will

What is Scalar Energy?


Energy + Information which the body and DNA can recognize as a language. Scalar Energy impacts the cells on a quantum level, allowing for the repatterning of our morphogenetic fields that surrounds every cell, organ, and system, of the body. Read more here on Scalar Energy.

What is a Morphogenetic Field?

Morphogenetic Field is composed of spherical, standing scalar energy waves. Everything in manifestation, including the entire Cosmic Multiverse framework, has a morphogenetic Crystal Body structure. These structures are called Morphogenetic Fields.

What is Consciousness Coherence?

Consciousness = Pre-Substance E-TH-UR. Also known as Scalar energy.

Consciousness Coherence: Is by which one’s level of consciousness expansion can create an organized morphogenetic field around oneself with scalar energy to cocreate/materialize your reality.

How often should I do an upgrade?

Some may require more RASHA Upgrades than others (and vice versa) depending upon certain circumstances.

As we know, everyone and their ability to self-heal is unique. This is dependent on what is available in your personal hologram. Ex: Reason for using The RASHA, length of discomfort, level of intron DNA available/activated, etc.

  • Upgrades can be run as infrequently as once per month. Note: For quicker results, execute upgrades at least once to twice per week.
  • We suggest 12 Upgrades as a minimum.

Is there anything I need to know do before an upgrade?

  • We suggest you be well hydrated.
  • Have a clear intention of what you would like to achieve, (this is crucial).
  • If you are having an upgrade in person, wear comfortable loose clothing. Mobile phones are not required.
  • If you a doing an upgrade remotely, please switch off any MOB, communication devices, and create a quiet, comfortable space where you will not be disturbed for the duration of the upgrade.

How does Remote Upgrades work?

Remote (online) upgrades are run through the Zoom Platform.

It is suggested that if you have access to hard wired internet, the upgrades can make for a clearer connection. While we recognize that Wi-Fi is highly available and used now, sometimes the connection is not always optimum due to atmospheric disruptions.

Do you offer payment plans?

For Group packages, payment plans can be organized, please get in touch.

Do You have a Refund Policy?

While we offer a refund policy, we would encourage one to keep any unused upgrades by way of a credit, which can be used at a later date or can be transferred to family/friends as a gift so they can benefit.

If you do request a refund, we require that you get in touch at least 3 days before the upgrade.